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Prayer The Carnality Antidote

Updated: May 27

Prayer, as I have written before, is essential to our Christian life, but truthfully it is difficult to practice. All of life, especially the inner voice that so controls our behavior, cries out to us to not waste time on an action that doesn't have immediate measurable results. Not to waste time on a pursuit that doesn't bring some type of physical or mental pleasure. Not to waste time on an endeavor that doesn't lead to financial or social gain. Prayer is opposed to that little controlling voice. It is completely opposite to what our carnal mind and physical bodies want to pursue, but it is because of the opposite nature of prayer that it is so valuable. It murders the flesh to put it succinctly and bluntly. When the flesh prevails our carnal nature grows and assumes more and more control. When we submit to the discipline of prayer instead, the spiritual person inside of us grows. We begin to see with spiritual eyes. Our spiritual ears begin to hear. Our innermost desires begin to change. We begin to value the kingdom of God. Our focus moves off of ourselves. We begin to think "not my will, but thine be done."

Prayer is essential. Tonight we will pray for many needs. Would you join us? Just agreeing with honest heartfelt prayers for the needy and sick, for the poor and oppressed is a powerful antidote to the carnality which tries to overwhelm us. You will feel your spiritual man awakening, I promise.

Your friend,

Bro. Jerry

[Your comments to me concerning this blog are welcome. In addition to the contact us message space on the home page you can contact me through email at or text at 928-522-4292. If you cannot attend church locally please join us virtually on Saturday evening via the Zoom link found on the services page. If you would like to share this post use this link: All scripture quotations are from the New King James Bible. If re-posting also include credit to All Peoples Church of Arizona and its web site

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