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Prayer is Key to the Christian Life

Updated: May 27

Human life outside the womb is marked by the first inhalation of oxygen rich air. It is the gulp of air that allows the baby to cry out with a loud voice which says I'm here, I'm alive, and at the moment I'm uncomfortable with the feel of my new surroundings. It is the cry of life that animates the mother's helpers to wrap the baby in a warm blanket and speak soft encouraging words to the new arrival. This cry of life lets everyone know of its need for the reassuring comfort of the mother's voice and her cradling arms.

New Christian life has many similarities. After all Jesus said we must all "be born again." [John 3:3] And when we are born again our new life begins when we pray to God. Our spirit man becomes alive as he takes in breath in order to pray forth words of repentance of sin and acceptance of God's plan of redemption. There is no "new birth" that does not include the utterings of the inner spirit of man, whether audible or inaudible, and which at their core incorporate the ideas of submission to God's sovereignty and our complete dependence on His divine, albeit incomprehensible, love for us and forgiveness of our sins.

Let us remember that as the life of the body is marked with the continuous breathing of the lungs, so the new life of the spirit man is dependent on the prayers of the inner man. Though God is aware of our lives, the difficulties, the successes, the heartaches and the joys, He still commands us throughout the scriptures to pray. He also gives repeated words of encouragement to those who would. To fail to pray is to fail to breathe.

God is our friend and helper. He wants to act if we will but pray and express our needs and our desire for His intervention. We have a voice, let us cry out! Let us pray.

Your friend,

Bro. Jerry

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All scripture quotations are from the New King James Bible. If re-posting also include credit to All Peoples Church of Arizona and its web site

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