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God Wants to be Known and Trusted

Updated: May 31

God is friendly and kind and above all responsible. While we often are prejudiced in our views, even if we don't think so, He is not. While we jump to conclusions and make decisions without sufficient thought or information, He does not. While we are fickle and controlled by our appetites and emotions, He is not. While we often take the short view and make decisions based on our self interest, He is long suffering, equitable, judicious, and extremely charitable. In short, He is so virtuous and well balanced He represents perfection when compared to us, i.e. humanity, His creation. While we may wonder why He created us or the universe we live in, the reality is He did. There might be some grandiose reason or it may be as simple as wanting companionship with beings created with a free will and with freedom to think and act independently and who have been vetted by their faith in Him. To develop the faith He desires in us undoubtedly requires the crucible of temptation brought on by one whose desires were opposite God's. Hence our lifelong struggle with ourselves and our arch nemesis Satan. If you are thinking this sounds like a titanic struggle with no benefit, it is time to read the Bible starting with the first book of the New Testament called Matthew. Herein is told the story and purpose of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. Here we find that the payoff is eternal life with a creator whose greatest attribute is love and who delights to share with us the unspeakable joys and peace of His kingdom. It is a great story, well told, and worth your greatest attention. Give it a read and let me know what you think and if you have any questions.

Your friend,

Bro. Jerry

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All scripture quotations are from the New King James Bible.

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