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Day of Decision

November 8th is a day of decision for our nation. Today there are three items I wish to ask you to consider with me. 1. Our vote: We must cast it. Our national midterm elections are less than a week away. It seems that there are many forces and issues dividing these United States from within, while communist dictators and other autocrats circle us and our allies menacingly from without. Whither goes the US domestically and internationally? It is not decided. We must vote. We must also bless and encourage all of our poll workers. These men and women who verify the credentials of the voters, who ensure the integrity of the ballots, and enforce the rules and provide for the safety of the polls, including those elected to do so, deserve our thanks and support. Christians bring peace and goodwill where ever they go and let us not fail to do the same for our polling places. 2. Our voice: We must use it, but how? It is easy, too easy, for me to be hyper critical of politicians. Many, if not most politicians are challenged morally, pander to our fears and greed and bend willingly to the winds of political expediency. They, as a group, are easy targets for my most venomous verbal disgust. However, am I called to bless or to curse? Jesus commanded us to bless our enemies in Matt. 5:44. I wonder if I ought to at least treat politicians as good as I would treat an outright enemy? Paul also said render … honor to whom honor is due (Romans 13:7), Peter said in 2 Peter 2:17 “Honor all [men]…”and “Honor the King.” In the tenth verse Peter warns us not to speak evil of dignities. Jude, in the book by his name, when speaking of the most reprehensible people who had crept into the church, characterized them as men who “speak evil of dignities,” and “speak evil of whatever they do not know” in verses 8 and 10. 3. Our Prayer(s): We have the right and responsibility to pray. Roman emperors, kings, communist dictators, nor any other earthly royalty or politician has been able to prevent God’s people from praying. Second Chronicles 7:14 is an often quoted verse concerning prayer. I would like to highlight the words “pray”, “seek” and “turn” concerning God’s people in this verse. So often we want God to fix others when He desperately wants to fix us. Paul teaches us in 1 Timothy 2 verses 1,2, and 3 that we should make “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks” for all men, kings, and all who are in authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” … “for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;”. So even though I might want to excoriate our politicians with my tongue, I am taught instead to bridle it and use it for good, for blessing, for prayer. Would you join me in prayer?

All Peoples Church prays tonight at 7PM MST. We will be praying for our leaders and for the midterm elections. Please join us. The Zoom link and information is located on the services page. Your brother and friend, Jerry

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