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A Few Thoughts On Trust

Trust is a rare and perishable commodity. Even temporary trust is precious, but can be given or extended based on hope or reputation, like when we meet a new person or try a new product. Enduring trust is based on many factors for sure, but mostly on experience over time. It's the kind of faith in someone that holds up even in the face of conflicting evidence or testimony. The person or organization has been so reliable, so trustworthy, if you will, for so long, that we say things like "I would trust them with my life," or "If they said it, you can take it to the bank." Unfortunately, in a world where trust is in short supply, think divorce, corrupt politicians, dishonest business leaders, etc., it becomes difficult for people to believe they can trust anyone, especially someone they can't see or touch or observe closely. Therein lies the rub. The one person we should trust unequivocally is God, but He is invisible, physically untouchable and by His own desire rarely observed. Today, if you are searching for truth, for love, or for meaning to life, extend to God at least the same trust you might give to a new person. Start the conversation, begin to open up a little bit and try to learn and understand who He is and why He would be interested in you. God is much more than any of us know. He and His Word can stand the scrutiny.

Your friend,

Bro. Jerry

[Your comments or questions concerning this blog are welcome. In addition to the contact us message space on the home page you can contact me through email (preferred) at or text at 928-522-4292. If you cannot attend church locally please join us virtually on Saturday evening via the Zoom link found on the services page. If you would like to share this post use this link:]

All scripture quotations are from the New King James Bible. If re-posting also include credit to All Peoples Church of Arizona and its web site

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