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We welcome all.  We are an online church, with on line pastors, resources, and friends.  

Hear Latest Message

This message was preached at the World Wide Ministry Conference held August 2024.  Pastor Lee's sermon is entitled:

How to Lose or Gain God's Presence

Church Saturday at 6:30 PM PDT, 8:30 CDT

     All Peoples Church is church on the go for everyone, but could be especially useful for people such as transportation workers, remotely located military, oil field workers, space station occupants, people relocating, students, or those living distant from family or friends.

    We are friendly but down to business.  All resources are online and accessible.  Get in and get out with what you need for today.  Daily prayers and encouragement, blogs, live and recorded sermons (most 30 minutes or less) all designed for modern online, hard working, independent minded people. 

    Live church and prayer services each week.  Live talk with real people.  We have time for you and want to get to know you.  Try us out!  
Today's scripture:
Psalms 33:22  Let Your mercy, O LORD, be upon us, Just as we hope in You.


Today's prayer for you and with you:

Father, we put our hope in You, Sir.  Thank You for Your mercy,  Amen.

Special Treat of the day: Invest in your spiritual life by clicking the GO button below to hear Billy Graham's message: Are You Offended by the Cross?


Attend Church Services

Weekly church service is Saturday night 6:30 PM PDT.

Weekly prayer service is Thursday night at 6:30 PM PDT

To join click the button below.  It will take you to the services page.  Once there click on the Sunday or Thursday service Zoom link.  The Zoom link is active 15 minutes before service time.


****We will be Facebook live on Thursdays at 6:30 PM to 6:45 PM PDT (8:30-8:45 CDT).  Find us on Facebook at Jerry Denise Lee.****


Cargo Ship at Sea

New Blog Added 05-30-2024
God Wants to be Known

Jesus is the Christ! For proof see Finger Prints and DNA blog. 

Another recent blog: A Few Thoughts on Trust

Farm 2

Unable to attend church?
Access our podcast page for archived preaching and teaching.

If you are interested in knowing more about the

teachings of Jesus on a non service day you can access past messages on our podcast page. Also, feel free to contact me, Bro. Jerry, for more information.  My contact information is located below. E-mail is preferred.  I would like to hear from you.  Web site comments or suggestions are welcomed.

Jesus is the Answer!

All Peoples Church is a 100% online church.  All are welcome. Our goal is to provide a place were you can experience easy access to pastors, prayer, preaching, and teaching.  If you can access the internet you can access us.  We believe those who work away from home or live in a remote location can derive great benefit from attending an online church like ours.  All Peoples Church exists for you!


Call or text: 928.522.4292



We'll get back to you.

©2021 All Peoples Church of Arizona. 


All Peoples Church of Arizona is a registered tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization, tax identification number 85-2187041.

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